1. Calculate the square foot of the space. Length x Width = Total s/f

10.00 l/f x 12.00 l/f = 120.00 s/f

2. Add an additional 10% -15%, depeding on number of angles in the room, to the total square foot calculated above. This is called a waste factor, and will be required when installing your product. Note that installing a floor at a diagonal will require a 15% wate factor, due to the fact that there will be more angles to cut and thus more wastage. More square footage is required when installing laminate according to a set pattern e.g herringbone. Your salesman or installer should estimate the exact s/f required, when based on an intricate design layout.

120.00 s/f x 10% = 132.00 s/f

3. From here you determine the number of boxes required. e.g. Lets say that the product you have selected is packeged 24.00 s/f per box. Therefore 132.00 s/f divided by 24.00 s/f = 5.5 boxes. However product is sold in full boxes only. Therefore you will order 6 boxes.

4. Next you will calculate the amount of accessories you require.

Underlayments and Adhesives

Here, use the square foot measurement calculated above, excluding the waste factors.

See manufacturers specifications with regards to the correct adhesive to use. See the side of the adhesive package for s/f spread rate of the adhesive, then divide the total square footage by the s/f spread rate of the adhesive and round uup to the next full container. e.g total s/f of area to be covered = 500s/f. Spread rate of recomended adhesive is 175s/f per bucket. Therefore 500/175 =2.86. therefore you require 3 buckets of adhesive.

Underlayments are sold in rolls ranging from 100s/f to 1000s/f. Most rolls come in widths ranging from 3' to 6'. To calculate number of rolls required, take total s/f of area and divide by the s/f per roll. e.g total s/f of area to be covered = 500s/f. Roll of underlayment = 200s/f. Threfore 500/200 = 2.5 rolls. Therefore you require 3 rolls.

Trims and Moldings

These measurements are calculated in linear feet. Trims and moldings are sold per piece. Always round up the nearest piece.